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Interactive Expressive Wearable

Interactive hair clip design that facilitates self-expression by puffing out fragrance each time the user hugs someone. Scent output directly responds to the intensity of the hug and creates lasting memories to strengthen the bond between the user and their friend.

​Through the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have bonded over shared learning experiences—one notable lesson is to appreciate the time you spend in person with loved ones. As people begin to meet up with their old friends towards the end of the pandemic, they are searching for ways to create impactful memories and associations with their loved ones. This is where my interactive hair piece can help.


Fall 2021 / Interactive Design Studio 

Electronics Prototyping, Concept Ideation, Arduino Coding

 Responsive Product Design, 3D Printing

Concept Ideation

concept sketches.png

I chose to use scent as an output because I really value fragrance and how it can contribute to a person’s self-expression. Personally, I associate a lot of memories by smell, and it turns out I am not the only one. Years of research have established a fascinating relationship between our sense of smell and its ability to trigger long-lost memories. I value this project because I love the idea of getting to surround yourself with your favorite scent all day and being able to share that with people you care about. 

Sketch Model

This sketch model focused on spatial planning of the electronic parts and served as a template for future iterations. By making a physical model, I gained insight on potential internal support structures.


First Prototype and Tests

Along with designing the physical structure of my interactive hair clip, I had to choose electronic parts and write code to meet my project criteria. The  most valuable takeaway I had from this project was to test every single electronic part individually before you put them in a system. Not following this crucial step caused some frustration toward the end of my project.

Final Prototype

Inside Electronics.jpg

This two-part hair barrette senses three types of hugs and puffs out fragrance in order to facilitate a positive and memorable moment which reinforces the bond between the user and their companion. First, a force sensitive resistor clips on the side of the user’s head just above their ear. Secondly, the user arranges their hair to cover the sensor and attaches the main component, styled after a French barrette, onto their head. Ideally this is a half-up hair-do. When the user hugs their friend, the force sensor can detect three different hug types: light, medium, and bear hugs. The device then uses an ultrasonic transducer to atomize essential oils in puffs according to the hug type. The puffs last either nine, six, or three seconds. Lastly, the device is programmed to pause the code after a puff so any long hugs are still enjoyable.

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